Resource Centre

Downsizing & decluttering

Advice on sorting, gifting and selling household items as you prepare to downsize.

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What’s your ‘clutter personality’?

Did you know there are different types of ‘clutter personalities’? Read Katie's light hearted explanation of each personality type.

In this fascinating and thoughtful conversation, Katie referred to three types of cluttering personalities and how these can hold us back from parting with items we no longer need.

“Therapists believe there are three types of clutter personalities,” explains Katie.

Below is an overview of each one. Sometimes, simply knowing which personality you are can help you acknowledge habits that may no longer be serving you.

1. Too Busy = Too Many Extras

This person is so busy that they actually have no system of where to put things,” says Katie.

“So, every time they go to use it and they can’t find it, they decide they’ll just buy another one.”

This personality type often ends up with too much of everything, from potato peelers to torches.

2. Constant Worrier = Must Save Everything

“This person is always looking to the future,” says Katie.

They believe they better save something “just in case”.

3. Overwhelmed In Life = Overwhelmed At Home

“This person doesn’t know where to begin so they actually don’t start,” explains Katie.

They will keep putting off decluttering, but sadly, the longer they postpone it, the more clutter they accumulate, and the cycle continues.

How to start decluttering

Katie acknowledges that decluttering can be challenging and take an emotional toll. She understands it’s natural to feel attached to our belongings. Decluttering can be especially difficult if you’re making a big life change, such as relocating for retirement, because it involves saying goodbye to a previous way of life.

“Decluttering and downsizing has almost been fostered with the idea that your belongings are toxic – and they’re not,” reassures Katie.

“Everything is important. They make up who you are.”

She explains the challenge of decluttering is to “decide which ones you love most and which ones you need to part with”.

It’s important to acknowledge your emotions around decluttering and accept that it may not be easy. But, with the right help, you can make great progress and reach what Katie calls “the nirvana” of a clutter-free home.

“Once you see clearly, everything makes more sense, and you can logically deal with things. But you need to see the wood for the trees, first.”

Learn more from Katie

Katie is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to decluttering and downsizing. You can read her Top 10 Tips For Decluttering here.